Sunny Side Yard Garden Plan with Edible Landscaping


  • Product Description

      Sure, your side yard might be hidden from sight, infrequently traveled or have minimal square footage — but is it sunny? With careful planning, this area can become its own secret garden: an intimate spot that delights all the senses. Take advantage of this full-sun situation and grow stunning blooms as well as flavorful edible plants!

      This Sunny Side Yard garden performs best in full sun and is hardy in cold zones 3 to 9. The dimensions of this garden plan are approximately 13 ft. by 20 ft.

      Featured plants in this garden plan include a variety of edible landscaping including tomatoes, blueberries, apple trees (and even a dwarf fig!) along with colorful flowering perennials and annuals.

      The Sunny Side Yard with Edible Landscaping Garden Plan is a 9-page pdf file. It includes: 
        • Overall garden illustration
        • Overhead plan view 
        • Tips on taking care of your new garden 
        • Detailed plant list with helpful information
        • 5-page article about how to build great garden soil, "From the Ground Up"
  • Product Details