Made with cedar and containing several decorative elements, this garden potting bench works hard and looks good doing it. It’s packed with features that make it a valuable addition to your outdoor living space. The bench is built from basic cedar boards that you can find at any home center. The bulk of the structure is made from cedar 2x4s, while the shelf slats and other thin parts are cut down from cedar decking. Plastic lattice and basic hardware round out the list. Though simple, this bench offers a lot of utility. Between the flip-up leaves for storing potting bins and the ample shelf on the bottom, you’re sure to find lots of uses for the bench this growing season.
13 pages of step-by-step instructions
50 full-color exploded views, photos and illustrations
Special article on building for the outdoors
Full-scale patterns for the top rail
Materials list and cutting diagram
Retail sources for hardware and supplies