Spring Woodland Walk Garden Plan


  • Product Description

      Woodland gardens aren’t just for the woods. Creating the habitat woodland plants enjoy is simple—plant trees and shrubs to provide shade or put to use those you may already have, and underplant with a combination of easy-care perennials. This woodland walk garden plan features a subtle palette of colors that makes a handsome canvas for the striking redtwig dogwood stems and exfoliating bark of the river birches, especially in spring when these shade-loving flowers are in bloom.

      Featured plants include river birch, redtwig dogwood, hosta, Japanese painted fern, hellebore and more shrubs and perennials.

      This Spring Woodland Walk Garden Plan performs best in part shade and cold zones 4 to 7.

      The Spring Woodland Walk Garden Plan is an 10-page pdf file. It includes: 
        • The gardenscape painting shown above 
        • Overhead plan view 
        • Tips on taking care of your new garden 
        • Detailed plant list with cold-hardiness zones 
        • PLUS, a 5-page article about how to build great garden soil, "From
      the Ground Up

  • Product Details

    • Variant: Default Title
    • SKU: GGPLAN0003
    • Product Type: Plan
    • Collection: Summer Sale